Final Audio Story

My final audio interview I felt I should compare my creative outlet of art to my other outlet which is music, more specifically the guitar. I wanted to give my listeners a good sense of how seriously I take art and how it compares to my guitar playing. Although they are close in importance to my life, art is just more dominant when it comes to being able to let loose and fully express how I feel. I have been playing guitar for about six years now and I still enjoy playing but I does not feel as natural as drawing does. They both challenge me in many different ways, but walking away from a finished piece of art is different than setting down your guitar after two hours of playing. You have something to show for your hard efforts when you finish drawing, while with music I still feel a little empty about it.

Another addition I made to my final audio story is that I added some background ambience to the interview. I used the track “ascona” which was provided to the class during the audio tutorials. I had to use two copies of ascona because my interview went longer than the length of only one but was shorter than the full two; I cut the extra time on the ending but gave 5 extra seconds so it does not end abruptly. I used the Fade Out option with the audio file so it drifted away at the end, and used the Fade In on the beginning of the interview. I felt it set a good ambience to the interview, and felt a little more complete than just not having any background noise at all.

I took the newly made interview and drug it over into Adobe Audition, and began to edit the file with the Razor tool cutting away the long silences between my words and the occasional “um”s that I have a bad habit of using when talking. After I cut away all of the excess from the file I had to find the perfect place to put my newly edited third interview. When I added the new interview track into my already edited audio story, I had to re-listen to the interview in order to find the spot between where I finish talking about my artwork and when I am asked what my future plans are. I felt that in that space it would help show my feelings about art and why it has caused my career path to follow the way it did.

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